Keyword Cloud
forex information skip main sidebar foreign exchange market biggest liquid financial daily volume trillion trading involves buying selling world currencies profit rates difference yield high profits risky participate brokers source news powered forextvcom video player sunday january seo tool backlink summary works give competitors backlinks importance article explain important gain avoiding trouble search engines domain note results vary prefixed www posted sara comments builder building quality factors engine optimization lot quantity rank considered theme backlinking website links keyword keyphrase optimize tools searches websites keyphrases add link site url submit potential enter anchor text analyzer determine wesbite analysis older posts subscribe atom latest tv widget great free widgets widgetbox info analyst commentary box flag counter calendar forextv insider vision tim kelly adsense followers web download hit google translater blog archive spider simulator similar page checker currency codes vertical design weekly outlook easy forexcom economic widgipedia professional metatrader hosting started zulutrade tips robot loss review fapturbo pairs vps overview reasons traders lose order megadroid open fxcm system selector account mt robots work december cocc registration dns products services education resources beginners charts top paying goog searched term keywords legal highest niche names medical related software telecom automobile electronics dating real estate insurance keywor paid october september conversation bar fx
Keyword Density
Keyword Count Density
forex 44 8.49%
backlink 15 2.9%
backlinks 13 2.51%
keywords 12 2.32%
paying 11 2.12%
widget 11 2.12%
search 9 1.74%
seo 8 1.54%
free 8 1.54%
quality 7 1.35%
website 7 1.35%
tool 7 1.35%
market 6 1.16%
important 5 0.97%
great 5 0.97%
engines 5 0.97%
widgets 5 0.97%
widgetbox 5 0.97%
info 5 0.97%
hosting 5 0.97%
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top 5 0.97%
tools 5 0.97%
add 5 0.97%
trading 4 0.77%
theme 4 0.77%
article 4 0.77%
keyword 4 0.77%
news 4 0.77%
video 4 0.77%
text 4 0.77%
summary 4 0.77%
domain 4 0.77%
highest 4 0.77%
link 3 0.58%
url 3 0.58%
anchor 3 0.58%
explain 3 0.58%
tv 3 0.58%
results 3 0.58%
posted 3 0.58%
sara 3 0.58%
comments 3 0.58%
builder 3 0.58%
high 3 0.58%
counter 3 0.58%
calendar 3 0.58%
adsense 3 0.58%
engine 3 0.58%
gain 3 0.58%
vps 3 0.58%
order 3 0.58%
avoiding 3 0.58%
trouble 3 0.58%
importance 3 0.58%
works 3 0.58%
niche 3 0.58%
related 3 0.58%
note 2 0.39%
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How it Works
Keyword Cloud is a visual depiction of keywords used on a website, keywords having higer density are depicted in a larger fonts.
Ideally your main keywords should appear in larger fonts at the start of the cloud.
Keyword Density is the percentage of occurrence of your keywords to the text in the rest of your webpage.
It is important for your main keywords to have the correct keyword density to rank well in Search Engines.
This tool will crawl the given URL, extract text as a search engine would, remove common stop words and Analyze the density of the keywords.
How to Avoid SEO over-optimization
This article shows how to avoid SEO over-optimization (and black hat SEO tricks) because intentional or unintentional over-optimization might turn into a real nightmare in terms of search engine ranking or it can even lead to temporary or permanent ban from search engines.
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